

of privacy

The visitor / user of the services of this website (hereinafter the “website”) understands and accepts that all pages/services are provided “as is” and the website disclaims any responsibility related to the limited time duration, the deletion, the poor performance or inability to electronically store any user data and/or any content of personal pages / services.

The visitor/user is responsible for accessing the website’s services, and the relevant access may require the payment of fees to third parties (eg internet service providers, internet time charges). The visitor/user is solely responsible for paying the relevant fees. Also, the visitor/user is solely responsible for his personal equipment with the necessary technological means that allow him to access the services of the website.

The website is committed to ensuring the privacy of its visitors. In these terms of use – Privacy Policy it is explained how the personal data of visitors/users will be managed, in accordance with the Greek law regarding the Protection of Personal Data (Law 2472/1997 and its amendments).

Each visitor/user is requested to accept the use of Cookies in accordance with the terms of this Policy, the first time they visit the website. By using the website and accepting this Policy, the visitor/user accepts the website’s use of Cookies in accordance with the terms of this Policy.


It is mutually agreed and understood that all information, data, texts, graphics, photographs, images, music files, videos, messages and all content, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, remains the sole responsibility of of the natural or legal person from whom the content originates. This means that the user is solely responsible for all and any content that he uploads, publishes, sends, transmits or otherwise makes available through the website services. The website cannot, due to its volume, control all the content posted by its users/members on the website services, so it does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, legality, or quality of such content.


The visitor/user has the right to raise objections with his request to the website and request the correction or deletion of his personal data, as well as its deletion by a member through an electronic message in the website’s contact form and in accordance with what is stated in these terms – privacy policy.

΄΄Sir/Madam… Please, in accordance with Law 2472/1997 article 13, correct as follows (…) or delete my personal data that you keep in your files΄΄

The website must respond in writing within fifteen (15) days


The website may use cookies to identify the visitor / user of some of its services and pages. The website and connected applications use cookies.

A cookie is a file which contains an identification code (a sequence of numbers and letters) and which has been sent by a server to a browser where it is stored. Every time the browser requests a page from the server, the identification code is also sent back to it.

Cookies can be either persistent or relate to a single connection. Permanent cookies are stored by the browser and remain active either until their expiration date or until the user deletes them. Those that pertain to a single session expire with the termination of the connection, as soon as the browser is deactivated (closed).

Cookies do not store information that can personalize the user, but personal information that is stored by the website and concerns the users/visitors can be linked to the information that is stored and can be obtained from the cookies.

The website and connected applications use only “permanent” cookies, only cookies related to one connection/session, or both “permanent” cookies and cookies used in one connection/session.

The names of the cookies used on the website or connected applications, and the reasons for which they are used, are listed below:

They are used (cookie name) on the website or connected applications (to recognize a computer when a user visits the website or connected applications / to track users’ navigation on the website or connected applications / to allow the use of a “shopping cart » on the website or connected applications / to improve the usability of the website or connected applications / to analyze the use of the website or connected applications / to manage the website or connected applications / to prevent fraud and improve security of the website and connected applications / to personalize the website or connected applications / to target specific advertising messages to specific users who may be interested in them.

Most users’ browsers allow them to refuse the use of cookies, for example:

(a) In Internet Explorer (version 11) they can prevent the use of cookies by using the cookie override settings by selecting ‘Tools’, ‘Internet Options’, ‘Privacy’ and then ‘Advanced’.

(b) In Firefox (version 39) they can suspend the use of all cookies by selecting “Tools”, “Options”, “Privacy”, then selecting “Use Personal Settings for History” from the drop-down menu and finally unchecking “Accept cookies from websites”.

(c) In Chrome (version 44) they can disable the use of cookies by going to the “Control and Personalization” menu and selecting “Settings”, “View Advanced Settings” and “Content Settings”, and selecting “Prevent websites from setting data” under the heading “Cookies”.

(d) In Safari (version 5.1.7) they can disable the use of cookies by selecting ‘Choosing Safari’, ‘Preferences’, then selecting ‘Privacy’ and then doing any of the following actions. To Permanently Opt Out of Cookies: Safari doesn’t allow any websites, third parties, or advertisers to store cookies and other data on your Mac. Some websites may not work properly because of this.

Use Cookies Only from the Existing Website: Safari accepts cookies and website data only from the website the user is currently logged into. Often, some websites have embedded content from other sources. Safari does not allow third parties to store or access cookies or other data.

Allowed Use from all Websites I Visit: Safari accepts cookies and website data only from websites the user visits. Safari uses your existing cookies to determine whether the user has visited a website in the past. Selecting this setting prevents cookies and other content from being stored on your Mac by websites whose embedded content is on the websites you visit.

Disabling the use of all cookies will have a negative impact on the use of many websites.

If the use of cookies is suspended, the user will not be able to use all the features of the website or connected applications.

The user can delete cookies that have already been stored on his computer. For example:

(a) In Internet Explorer (version 11) you can manually delete the cookie files. He can find the procedure for this at

(b) In Firefox (version 39) must delete cookies by selecting “Tools”, “Options” and “Privacy” and then select “Use Personal Settings for History” from the drop-down menu, selecting “View cookies” and then ” Remove all cookies”, and

(c) In Chrome (version 44) he can delete all cookies by entering the “Control and Personalization” menu and selecting “Settings”, “View Advanced Settings” and “Clear Navigation Data”. He will then select “Cookies and elements of other websites and connected data” and “Clear Navigational Data”.

(d) In Safari (version 5.1.7) you can delete all cookies by going to the Safari preferences window and selecting “Privacy”. The user can set their options for accepting cookies next to “Blocking cookies”. Selects “Groups and Advertisers” – “Always” or “Never”. If there are website data or cookies stored, select “Details”. If he wishes to delete the data from all websites, he simply selects “Delete All”. Press “Finish” to return to the selection window.


Apart from the expressly mentioned exceptions (copyrights of third parties, partners and entities), all the content of the website, including videos, images, graphics, photos, plans, texts, the services provided and generally all the files of this website, are intellectual property , registered trademarks, designs, distinctive features and service marks of the site and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions and treaties. Therefore, none of them may be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished or “uploaded”, transmitted or distributed in any way in whole or in part. The products or services mentioned on the online pages of this site and bearing the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partner bodies, associations or publications, are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility. The user understands and accepts that he is not granted the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and/or commercially exploit in any way all or part of the content of the website. If he does so, he accepts that he is solely responsible for compensation for the above. The user understands and accepts that he is not granted the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and/or commercially exploit in any way all or part of the content of the website. If he does so, he accepts that he is solely responsible for compensation for the above. The user understands and accepts that he is not granted the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and/or commercially exploit in any way all or part of the content of the website. If he does so, he accepts that he is solely responsible for compensation for the above.


Given the nature and volume of the internet, under any circumstances, including the case of negligence, the website is not responsible for any form of damage suffered by the visitor/user of its pages, services, options and contents which it proceeds on its own initiative. Its contents are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the website disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The website does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, error-free and that errors will be corrected. Also, it does not guarantee that the same or any other related site or the servers through which they are made available to users/members, do not contain “viruses” or other harmful components. The website does not under any circumstances guarantee the correctness, completeness or availability of the contents, pages, services, options or their results. The cost of possible corrections or services is borne by the visitor/user and in no case by this website and the company that manages it or commercially exploits it.

The website is a news site, with the aim of valid and timely information for visitors. The news and information that is posted daily, results from a news report of its editors and partners.

The website, the Administration and its editors, are not responsible for the posts made by its branded partners, whose column is hosted in the context of cooperation on the website.


The site is hosted on the “ARTHRA” website. In these “ARTICLES” the responsibility of the posts, as well as their content, belongs exclusively to their authors, expressly excluding any responsibility regarding the website. This also applies to comments posted by users on it.


The content and information included on the website constitute an offer to the visitor/user and in general to the community of internet users and cannot of course be taken as valid information and/or advice nor do they conceal any solicitation for the business or non-specific actions . The website undertakes the collection, processing and distribution of its content, but without under any circumstances guaranteeing its completeness, completeness, adequacy and in general its appropriateness and the absence of possible errors, much more so due to its particularly large volume, as and the participation of third parties (natural or legal persons) during its primary production and collection. Therefore, visitors / users of the website, using its services on their own initiative,

Some of the website information is provided by third parties. The website is unable to verify this information and does not guarantee its accuracy.


The website collects personal data a) when the visitor / user registers for its services b) when it uses its products and / or services c) when it visits its pages and / or enters its promotional / advertising programs and d) when it participates in competitions. The personal information that is collected compulsorily is the following: Name – Surname – E-Mail – Telephone – Address – Postal Code. – City- Country- Profession- Age.

The following types of personal data may be collected, stored and used:

(a) information related to the user’s computer, and his visits to, and activity on, this website or linked applications (including [his own IP address, geographical location, type and version their browser, operating system, referral source, length of visit, pages read, and navigation paths on the website or connected applications].

(b) information that you provide when registering on the Website or connected applications (including your own email address).

(c) the information you provide when filling out your profile on the Website or linked applications (including: your name, your profile pictures, your gender, your date of birth, your marital status, your interests and hobbies , of the details of his education and career path).

(d) the information he provides to the website in order to subscribe to the updates and newsletters of the website and/or other websites commercially operated by the same company and/or group by e-mail (including his name and his email address).

(e) the information you provide to the website using the services available on the website or connected applications (including when, how often and how you use the services);

(f) the information related to purchases made by him in products / services / products and / or services of the website or other transactions that he makes through the website or through connected applications (including his name, his address, his telephone number, their email address and credit card details).

(g) the information he publishes/uploads on the website or connected applications, with the intention of publishing it on the Internet (including the username he designates, his profile pictures and the content of his posts);

(h) the information contained in, or linked to, any communication that it promotes on the website, or that it promotes through the website or through connected applications (including the content of the communication and the transmissions associated with such communication).

(i) any other personal information you choose to submit to the website, and

(j) providing details of other information collected.

Before disclosing personal data of a third party on the website, the user must first have obtained the consent of that person both for the disclosure and for the processing of his personal data, in accordance with this Policy.

Personal data provided through the website, or connected applications, will be used for the purposes stated in this Policy or on the relevant pages of the website or related applications.

The website may use the user’s personal data for:

(a) the administration of the website and related applications and activities;

(b) personalize the website and connected applications for the user;

(c) enable the user to use the services provided through the website or connected applications

(d) to ship products purchased through the website or connected applications to the user

(e) to forward invoices, invoices and payment reminders, and to collect from the website payments from the user

(f) to send the user commercial, non-promotional, updates

(g) to send the user notifications that he has specifically requested to receive

(h) to send the user newsletters by e-mail, as long as he has chosen to do so (he can at any time inform the website that he no longer wishes to be a subscriber to the newsletter)

(i) to inform the website about promotions related to its activity (or the activities of carefully selected third-party businesses) that may be of interest to the user, by mail or, if he has consented to it, by e-mail or related technology (may at any time to inform the website that he does not wish to receive promotional updates)

(j) for the website to provide third parties with statistical information concerning the users (but without the recipients of such data being able to personalize any user through them)

(k) for the website to manage inquiries and complaints originating from, or referred to, users of the website or linked applications;

(l) to keep the website, as well as connected applications, secure and avoid fraud;

(m) to verify compliance with the terms and conditions governing the use of the Website or Linked Applications (including monitoring private messages sent through the Website or Linked Applications private messaging service);

If the user submits personal information for publication on the website or connected applications, such information will be published and used in accordance with the permission provided by the user.

Privacy Settings can be used to limit the publication of user information on the website or connected applications and can be adjusted using the privacy settings on the website or connected applications.

Without the express consent of the user, the website will not make his personal information available to any third party for the purposes of direct commercial promotion of the same or any other third party.

All financial transactions of the website, or connected applications, are processed through its own payment service provider […..] The user can be informed about the Privacy Policy of this provider at [URL]. The website will share with the payment service provider only the information that is necessary to process the payments made by the user through the website or connected applications, to refund money and to manage complaints and questions related to these payments and returns.


The website gives users the right to delete their personal data, correct and/or update their personal data and/or deactivate their registration, at any time, by sending a relevant electronic message to the website.


The website undertakes not to sell, rent or in any way publish and/or share the personal data of visitors / users / members of the website to any third party.

The website can channel personal data of its visitors / users / members to third legal and/or natural persons only if:

• Has the express consent of the visitors / users for the channeling of personal data, which is presumed to be given, when the user registers as a member on the website and does not submit an objection request, as described above.

• The channeling of personal data to legal and/or natural persons who cooperate with the website becomes necessary for the implementation of the wishes and/or orders of the users. The legal and natural persons cooperating with the website have the right to process the personal data that the users/members of the website submit to it only to the extent that it is absolutely necessary to provide support to the website.

• It is mandated due to compliance with the relevant provisions of the law and to the competent authorities alone.

The Site may disclose users’ personal information to any employee, executive, insurer, professional advisor, agent, supplier or subcontractor to the extent reasonably necessary for the purposes set forth in this Policy.

The website may disclose users’ personal information to any member of the Group of companies to which it belongs (ie its subsidiaries, parent company and all its subsidiaries) to the extent reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy.

The website may disclose the personal information of users:

(a) to the extent required by law

(b) in connection with existing or potential legal proceedings

(c) to establish, exercise or protect its legal rights (including providing information to third parties to prevent fraud and limit credit risk);

(d) to the purchaser (or prospective purchaser) of any business or asset it intends (or is considering) to sell;

(e) to any person who reasonably believes that they may apply to a court or other competent authority for the disclosure of the personal information, where in the reasonable judgment of the website operators such court or competent authority would be reasonably likely to order disclosure; of this personal information.

Except in the cases provided for in this Policy, the website will not make the personal information of users available to third parties.


The Site or linked applications contain hyperlinks to, and details about, third party websites or related applications. The website does not control and is not responsible for the availability, content, privacy and privacy policy, quality and completeness of the services of other websites and pages to which it refers through “links”, hyperlinks or advertising banners. The website should not be considered as endorsing or accepting the content or services of the websites and pages to which it refers or that it is connected with them in any other way.


The site maintains real-time chat service areas on the Internet, in accordance with the more specific terms set forth therein, and provides visitors/users with the ability to develop their own message boards, while allowing them to participate in message board discussion that other users have created by sending text messages. Visitors/users of the relevant services must observe the rules of good behavior and decency and not engage in illegal or immoral formalities.

The site can in no way be considered to accept or endorse in any way the personal ideas or perceptions expressed in these areas. The website reserves the right to exclude or expel any visitor/user of the relevant services in case it becomes aware of the violation of the above terms. The website may record the content of messages sent by visitors / users of the relevant services exclusively to detect violations of their terms of use, as specifically provided for in the Terms of Use and for no other purpose.


The above terms and conditions of use of the website, as well as any modification thereof, are governed and supplemented by Greek law, the law of the European Union and the relevant international treaties, and the competent Courts for the resolution of any dispute are the Courts of Athens. Any provision of the above terms that becomes contrary to the law, automatically ceases to be valid, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms.

This constitutes the overall agreement between the site and the visitor/user of its pages and services and only binds them. No modification of these terms shall be considered and made a part of this agreement unless made in writing and incorporated herein. These terms of use supersede any other terms and apply to all services and applications of the website without exception, without the need for other more specific terms. The user who uses this website and its services is presumed to unconditionally accept these terms, if he does not submit an objection request.

The website may update this Policy from time to time by posting the new version on the website or connected applications.

The user should regularly check this page to ensure that he is in compliance with any changes to the terms of this Policy.

The website may notify users of changes to this Policy (either by email or through the website’s private messaging service or connected applications).

any possible related regulation will be the subject of this section. In any case, the site reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data after informing the visitors / users and within the existing or potential legal framework.

If a visitor/user does not agree with the terms of personal data protection provided herein, he/she must not use the site’s services and refuse to register as a member.
Given the nature and volume of the internet, under any circumstances, including the case of negligence, the site is not responsible for any form of damage suffered by the visitor / user of the pages, services, options and contents of the site which he/she does on his/her own initiative and with knowledge of the terms hereof.